BREAKING NEWS// The Republic of Moldova initiates withdrawal procedure from the CIS. Igor Grosu: "We must distance ourselves from the source of evil and destruction"

Tatiana Gherța
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After 30 years of collaboration within the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Republic of Moldova is initiating the procedure to denounce the convention regarding the inter-parliamentary assembly of the CIS states. The announcement was made on Monday, May 15, by the President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu. According to the official, being a part of the CIS brought more disadvantages than advantages to the Republic of Moldova. Moreover, Russia, as a founding country, attacked Ukraine, and therefore "this state can no longer be called a community," believes the speaker.

The President of the Legislature, Igor Grosu, mentioned that the Republic of Moldova's participation in CIS structures did not bring many benefits; in fact, it had the opposite effect. Thus, this collaboration, according to the speaker, did not contribute to the resolution of the Transnistrian conflict or the withdrawal of the Russian army. Furthermore, it failed to protect the Republic of Moldova from economic embargoes or energy blackmail.

"As the President of the Parliament, after several discussions with the citizens during visits to different territories, after discussions within the parliamentary faction of the Action and Solidarity Party, and after consultations with President Maia Sandu and government representatives, I announce that I have made the decision to initiate the procedure for the withdrawal of the Republic of Moldova from the agreement on the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States... We are determined to distance ourselves from the source of evil, poverty, war, and destruction. We must distance ourselves from the source of evil and destruction."

The withdrawal process will commence this week itself. The President of the Parliament will present an approach to the Prime Minister, Dorin Recean, requesting the preparation of a legislative initiative regarding the denunciation of the Convention regarding the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS States.


Tatiana Gherța

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