Op-Ed: Moldova faces a new decisive step on its European path

Mădălin Necșuțu
Președinta Republicii Moldova, Maia Sandu (S) alături de șefa CE, Ursula von der Leyen, în cacdrul unei confeințe comune de presă. Sursa: Președinția Republicii Moldova (Facebook)

Moldova is again facing an important moment that will mark its European future. The Moldovan authorities have completed 94 percent of the necessary actions to implement those nine recommendations of the European Commission last year in June. The November 8 report attests to progress in most areas, but it obviously draws attention to the justice sector, where there are still many outstanding tasks.

However, despite the favourable technical aspect, the Republic of Moldova needs a positive political vote from all 27 EU member states. There are no signs that there could be any problems from any European country to give green light to the Republic of Moldova, but Ukraine's situation is not yet settled, especially because of Hungary, which still has reservations about whether or not to give its vote for Ukraine to open up the accession negotiations.

Apparently, the Republic of Moldova is in a more favourable situation than Ukraine in the European process, but Chisinau still wants to show solidarity with Kyiv. Even though last year there were voices in Kiev saying that Moldova was boarding Ukraine's train to the EU “without a ticket”, this time it is the Republic of Moldova's turn to be with Ukraine in moments of uncertainty. We refer here to the decision that will come on December 14th-15th at the European Council in Brussels, when Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina could receive the green light to start the accession negotiations with the EU.

On November 21st, President Maia Sandu had a trilateral meeting with her Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky, but also with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, where they discussed the last details before the December summit in Brussels. Maia Sandu wanted, from the image point of view, to once again stand in solidarity with Ukraine on this European path chosen by the two neighbouring states.

If the Republic of Moldova receives a positive vote, the first intergovernmental conference for accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova will be held next spring. This meeting will start the process of screening the national legislation against the acquis communautaire along 33 negotiation chapters, grouped into six areas. The strategy of Chisinau is a brave one, namely to focus on the most difficult chapters like justice, and in parallel work at a sustained pace on the other areas.

Chisinau is aware that it should engage at full speed in this process that can take years, and that this window of opportunity can change due to several factors. First, the war in Ukraine, and second, the European Union that may undergo a reforming process.

Internally, we are talking about the parliamentary elections of July 2025, when the current power may no longer hold an absolute majority and may have to enter into governing alliances with various parties in which the political will for EU accession may not be the same.

Therefore, a sustained effort is needed in the current domestic and international context to advance on the European path. The current authorities in Chisinau only have to speed up the process, but at the same time, they must also deliver quality in the implementation of reforms to create the conditions for an irreversible European path of Moldova.





Mădălin Necșuțu

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