Anticorruption Prosecutor's office takes note following an investigation by CIJM

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office took note following the publication of the investigation "Story of a bribe for prosecutors", carried out by the Center for Investigative Journalism in Moldova (CIJM).

The head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office Viorel Morari informed us that on Friday, a criminal case was started based on facts reported in the investigation.

We remind that a video recording, made with the hidden camera in 2015 was used in the investigation. A former prosecutor from the Rascani sector of the Chisinau receives a large amount of euros and promises to settle a problem. In fact, the bribe was intended for anti-corruption prosecutors for the release and removal of criminal prosecution against businessman Gheorghe Vîrtosu, suspected of money laundering in very large proportions. He is from Malaesti village, Orhei district.

The case was reported to the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, through the Interior Ministry, at the beginning of 2016, but the file was covered up.

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