The Forum of Investigative Journalists// Gladis Temirchieva, Investigative Journalism Foundation, Kyrgyzstan: "In my country, journalists are arrested for seeking the truth!"


Journalist Gladis Temirchieva, representing her colleagues from Kyrgyzstan at the Forum of Investigative Journalists, highlighted the unprecedented intimidation faced by the press from authorities in her country. Despite this, journalists persist in exposing abuses within the highest levels of power. They have managed, under immense pressure, to publish several investigations targeting individuals in positions of responsibility who have engaged in schemes from their positions.

"On January 15, searches were conducted at the offices of the press agency. A day later, 11 journalists were detained and subsequently arrested, with 8 of them remaining incarcerated. Journalists have faced restrictions in accessing databases containing asset declarations and information on public auctions. Furthermore, several newsrooms have suffered following the adoption of the so-called 'Foreign Agents' Law, which curtails their freedom of expression and access to advertising."

The portal has published numerous materials reflecting the situation faced by journalists in Kyrgyzstan.

The Forum of Investigative Journalists, organized by the Center for Investigative Journalism from Moldova (CIJM) and the  Association of Independent Press (API), will take place in Chisinau over two days, March 27 and 28. Designed as a unique platform for professionals in the field, the event facilitates the exchange of performance and experience in one location. Journalists from the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan are participating in the forum.

The Forum of Investigative Journalists is organized within the Project "Consolidating a network of investigative journalists in the Republic of Moldova and increasing their capacity to investigate corruption cases", implemented by the Center for  Investigative Journalism from Moldova and the Association of Independent Press, within the program  "Strengthening the rule of law and anti-corruption mechanisms in the Republic of Moldova", co-financed by the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Government of Great Britain, and implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ).



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