CEC, accused of having favored registration of the last four presidential candidates. Maia Sandu: “I detected serious violations”

sursa foto: cec.md

The Central Electoral Commission is accused of having admitted several violations at the registration of the last four presidential candidates in presidential elections. According to Maia Sandu, candidate of the  Party Action and Solidarity in presidential elections, CEC had stopped counting the signatures at yesterday's meeting because it realized that some candidates lacked the necessary number of votes to be registered in  the race.

"I detected serious violations at yesterday's meeting. Lists with signatures submitted by candidates were not analyzed. For example, the lists presented by Maia Laguta included lists with signatures of Roman Mihaies. We realize that the signatures were collected by the same people. Laguta presented empty lists but sealed by Mayor’s offices. This is illegal because the mayor can stamp the list after he checks signatures on the lists", said  Maia Sandu in a press conference held on Friday, October 7.

Former Minister of Education said that the current government participated in these elections both with its own candidates and with some tick-candidates clone-candidates, such as Maia Laguta. Maia Sandu accuses Maia Laguta of having been involved in the presidential election for stealing her identity.

Candidate of PAS said that there was evidence that recent signatures of candidates registered in the election campaign were collected after the deadline set by the CEC and that is because they failed to collect the necessary votes for their registration. Sandu believes that in these circumstances, the CEC continues to lose credibility, especially after admitting the double standards of lists’ verification. "The process of collecting signatures was turned into a farce, formality. Favorite candidates were accepted without having been checked the lists ", concluded Maia Sandu.

Contacted  by portal Anticoruptie.md, head of the press service of CEC, Rodica Sirbu said that the institution would come up with an official reaction to Maia Sandu’s allegations. 

Iurie Ciocan, CEC member said that the institution had checked all the lists with signatures and cases with empty lists stamped by Mayor’s offices and the lists of signatures in favor of Roman Mihaies in the lists of Maia Laguta will be sent for examination to the General Prosecutor's Office. "It's about possible criminal offenses. We are currently preparing requests for General Prosecutor’s office, including on some deceased people found in the lists with signatures. We found many such cases in the lists of many candidates”, said Ciocan.

Maia Laguta rejected all the allegations and said that she did not know why the lists of Roman Mihaies were mixed up with the documents presented by her.  She said that her participation in the campaign does not aim to steal Maia Sandu’s identity. "Maia Sandu should not offend me. It is better she tells what she did for people. She was elected Minister by Plahotniuc and Filat.  I could be elected Minister of Labor and deputy-mayor but I refused. I cannot tell you who did it. I do not know Plahotniuc, but I'd like to know him because I have something to reproach him", said Laguta for Ziarul NATIONAL.




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