"The US Embassy is proud to support the Republic of Moldova’s European path. //  Addres by  the US Ambassador to Chişinău, participant of the "European Moldova" Assembly

Cornelia Cozonac

US Ambassador Kent D. Logsdon participated in the National Assembly "European Moldova", held on Sunday in Chisinau.

“The U.S. Embassy is proud to support the Republic of Moldova’s European path. Ambassador Logsdon joined today’s gathering in Chisinau to demonstrate our commitment to work with Moldova to build a democratic, prosperous, and secure future”, says the message published on Facebook by the US Embassy in Chisinau

In the photos posted on Facebook, the US Ambassador to Moldova and his family can be seen alongside the head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, Veronika Dragalin, and her mother, who have been residing in the USA for a considerable period. Former Prime Minister Natalya Gavrilita also joined them.

Read more about the holding of the "European Moldova" National Assembly in LIVE/TEXT // The "European Moldova" Assembly began in Chişinău // Maia Sandu: "Moldova will join the EU, and it should happen by 2030".

Cornelia Cozonac

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