The Romanian language at home in Moldova too: Socialists angered by PAS decision
Colaj CIJM

The draft law proposed by PAS deputies, which suggests replacing the phrase "Moldovan language" with "Romanian language", was voted on in the first reading during Thursday's session of the Parliament. The project was supported by 56 deputies. However, the parliamentary opposition resorted to blocking the central tribune right when the project was being presented.

Veronica Roșca, a deputy of the Action and Solidarity (PAS) party and one of the initiators of the project, stated that the project "aims to adjust the existing normative framework to the interpretations and considerations of the Constitutional Court regarding the state language of the Republic of Moldova".

The communist and socialist deputies, who had left the hall when the Declaration of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova was being voted on regarding the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, blocked the central tribune of the Parliament. This was not without altercations, fights, and verbal aggression.

The decision to include the bill on the agenda has caused discontent on the left side. Elected members of the BCS fraction replied that during the Permanent Bureau meeting on March 1st, it was decided that the respective project would not be examined in another meeting. However, during the Legislature meeting on March 2nd, PAS deputies decided to propose the draft for examination in the first reading.

The draft stipulates that both in the Supreme Law and in the text of other laws, the words "Moldovan language", "official language", "state language", and "mother tongue" should be replaced with the phrase "Romanian language".

The main argument of the initiative's authors is the decision of the Constitutional Court on December 5, 2013, which changed the phrase "Moldovan language" to "Romanian language". Accordingly, the implementation of this decision requires changes both in the text of other decisions and in the Constitution.

"Art. I. – In the text of the laws of the Republic of Moldova:

  1. The words "Moldovan language", in any grammatical form, are to be replaced by the words "Romanian language" in the corresponding grammatical form.

  2. The words "state language", "official language", and "mother tongue", in any grammatical form, are to be replaced by the words "Romanian language" in the corresponding grammatical form, if the state language of the Republic of Moldova is considered.

Art. II. - The omission of the text "operating on the basis of the Latin script" from Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova is noted.

Art. III. - Within 30 days from the date of entry into force of this law, the public authorities with the competence to adopt, approve or issue normative acts inferior to the law will implement the required changes for the purposes of this law," it is specified in the registered initiative.

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