More essential medicines will be up to 50% cheaper // What are they

Cornelia Cozonac
Foto: CIJM

The Medicines and Medicines Agency has decided to reduce the prices of some essential medicines by up to 50 percent. This decision was taken after a control in February-March, which found that the prices of over 1000 drugs are exaggerated.

In January, on the Corruption Map of the portal, a reader informed us that the price difference for one and the same medicine in different pharmacies is twice as big. Then the Medicines Agency explained the huge difference in prices by the fact that lots of medicines were bought at different prices.

The Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (AMDM) states that the impact of lower prices on medicines assessed in the last three months will be felt gradually, as stocks of medicines with previous prices are depleted in about three months.

Among the drugs that are cheaper are: the antidepressant Alventa, the analgesic Daleron, the antibiotics Ceftriaxon, Azibiot, Cefuroxime, Cefotaxim, the drug for the treatment of the cardiovascular system - Diroton, the antiasthmatic Ventolin, the cough medicine Medovent and others.

A few years ago, the Center for Journalistic Investigations conducted surveys showing that medicines imported from Romania were sold at a price 10 times higher in the Republic of Moldova, and the prices of medicines imported from Ukraine increased sixfold on the way to Moldova.

Cornelia Cozonac

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