Children’s Advocate: Child exploitation is difficult to control

State institutions are not able to monitor child labor because there are no legal provisions by which companies can be promptly investigated, as to detect children's right to work violations or child exploitation, said the People’s Advocate For Children’s Rights, Maria Bănărescu, at press club jointly organized with the Center for Journalistic Investigations, on August 7.

Maria Bănărescu illustrated with two examples of violations of children's right to work - a child employed as a lifeguard at a leisure center and secondly, and another one hired as a waiter.

"The impediments that I have encountered since the beginning of the investigation of the cases, as well as the answers received from public authorities, make me realize that the situation regarding children's right to work and child exploitation has not improved", said Maria Bănărescu.

The children's ombudswoman pointed out legislation imperfections  regarding the people's advocate’s access to economic agents' private areas as to monitor the accordance with child labor laws.

Attending the event, Igor Ciloci, deputy director of the State Labor Inspectorate, told that the institution he represents is interested in the economic aspect of child labor. "Because child labor is conditioned by certain circumstances related to the child's age, the work schedule and the of the work difficulty, we are interested in how children are employed” said Igor Ciloci. 

At the event, the General Police Inspectorate was represented by Alina Ursu, who specified that law enforcement agents carry out school lessons with children every year. "Also, our multidisciplinary teams, where a police officer is present, carry out awareness raising activities, prevention activities and raids", said Alina Ursu.

Additionally, the GPI representative said that during 2019 school hours, children will be informed of their rights by police officers.

In Moldova, labor laws allow child employment starting with the age of 15 and 16, with the approval of the parents or legal representatives. Upon employment, labor law prohibits children to do any work that is harmful to their health, regulates working schedules and provides facilities.

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