Ana Ursachi: „Justice sector reform “was sacrificed” to personal convenience of persons”

The justice sector reform “was sacrificed”, being made the responsibility of incompetent persons, of persons who became disinterested in fulfilling their obligations as personal convenience was more important. This happened not during the time of one government, lawyer Ana Ursachi stated in a video interview for IPN.

According to the lawyer, the justice sector reform was and remains am extraordinary reason for speculations. Whenever financing from the West was needed, a project related to the justice sector reform was devised. “It is always reasonable to ask for assistance for the justice sector reform and, if you know how to make the failures of some the blame of the old regime that you do not assume and make promises, saying that you came and everything will be fine, you can convince the Western partners up to a moment. This has happened regrettably during the past 10-15 years,” stated Ana Ursachi.

She noted that the message addressed to the West by the representatives of different political parties that managed the justice sector reform has been practically the same. “Help us as we will be unable to cope without you; give us money”. When reports were provided on the costs and the done work, these were every time sterile and false. The negative human factor was directly responsible for the justice sector reform and dashed any hope that this will be successfully completed.

Ana Ursachi considers the results of this year’s presidential elections showed that society became more mature and can demand more justice in Moldova from the politicians and the authorities. “The vote given to Maia Sandu was against Igor Dodon and showed that society hopes for a better life, but a better life without justice is absolutely impossible,” she stated. The November 15 vote showed that society mobilized and will demand responsibility for this vote. The country is much more prepared to reply to fakes, to corruption that wasn’t fully rooted out by the politicians in the Republic of Moldova.

The lawyer noted the ordinary citizens should no way tolerate the violation of rights and should ensure the security of the juridical relations in which the find themselves before taking them to litigation as prevention is always better than cure.

Ana Ursachi is featured in a criminal case that was classed by the Prosecutor General’s Office as a “political case” alongside another 37 cases, which are to be revised.

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