Church St. Dumitru, vandalized. Priest Pavel Borsevschi was intimidated for criticizing the clergy’s involvement in politics
Persoane necunoscute au aruncat cu pietre în geamul bisericii. Foto: Facebook, Biserica Sfântul Dumitru

Church St. Dumitru  in Botanica district of the capital was vandalized in the night of Saturday to Sunday. Representatives of the church claim in a posting on Facebook that by throwing stones in  the window of the church , the vandals intended to intimidate the priest Paul Borsevschi for speaking in an interview with Radio Free Europe about " the sin of  bishops and priests who get involved in politics".

Also, Pavel Borsevschi received this morning a defamatory message in Russian by which he is intimidated for the message conveyed in the interview for Radio Free Europe. According to the message, the priest is accused of backing a woman for the seat of president "whose place is in the kitchen" and supports sexual minorities.

In an interview for Radio Free Europe on 7 November, the priest Pavel Borsevschi criticized denigrating statements about personal life  of Maia Sandu made by the Bishop of Balti and Falesti, Marchel, and clergy’s involvement in the campaign.

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