Two civil servants, subjects of several CIJM investigations, will be investigated by integrity inspectors

Julieta Saviţchi

Two civil servants, husband, and wife, who were the subjects of several investigations by the Center for Investigative Journalism from Moldova (CIJM), came to the attention of integrity inspectors. It is about the councilor of the Criuleni district, Victor Cojocaru, and his wife, Liuba Cojocaru, the mayoress of the village of Măgdăceşti in the same district.

The protocol regarding the check of the Cojocaru spouses was initiated based on the notification of some local councilors.

The Center for Investigative Journalism showed last year in a journalistic investigation how the mayor of the village of Măgdăceşti, Liuba Cojocaru, got one million 600 thousand lei after reselling to the public administration a building in which there was a kindergarten, rebuilt in the base of the old school of the village. The Cojocaru family purchased the building from the Măgdăceşti Municipality for 300,000 lei 12 years ago.

It was mentioned in the investigation, that the Cojocaru family, in addition to other properties, owns a house in Măgdăceşti that costs millions, with an area of ​​199.1 square meters, at a reported price of only 186,000 lei.

On March 24, 2021, the National Integrity Authority issued a statement regarding the control of Liuba Cojocaru's assets from January 1, 2012, to August 2020. The document states that between the assets acquired by Liuba Cojocaru, her husband, and the minor child, during the exercise of the mandate of the mayor of the village of Măgdăcești, and the incomes obtained in the same period, there is no substantial difference. In the same way, NIA did not establish the existence of a reasonable suspicion regarding the commission of a crime or the violation of tax legislation.

CIJM also wrote about the schemes to collect taxes from the residents of Măgdăceşti for street lighting, which is a public service, the irregularities detected at the Municipality by the Financial Inspection, but also the alleged physical assault by Victor Cojocaru of a local councilor.

Julieta Saviţchi

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