The General Prosecutor’s Office to Decide on the Need for Repeated Lifting of the Parliamentary Immunity in the Case of Shor, Ulanov and Jardan

Irina Odobescu
Colaj: CIJM

The General Prosecutor’s Office will request the newly elected Parliament to interpret the legislation in the case of three re-elected MPs, Petru Jardan, Denis Ulanov and Ilan Shor, who could benefit from parliamentary immunity following the validation of their mandates by the Constitutional Court. Depending on the position of the Parliament, the General Prosecutor’s Office will decide on the need for repeated intervention with the request to lift the immunity of the three MPs. 

In the case of Ilan Shor, the prosecutor's office specified that there are pending criminal cases both at the stage of criminal investigation and at the stage of the trial.

In the case of deputy Petru Jardan, the criminal investigation has been completed and the case was sent to court on June 21. And in the case of Denis Ulanov, the criminal investigation was completed. Currently, the defense side is acquainted with the materials of the criminal case, and the case is scheduled to be sent to court in early August.

Irina Odobescu

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