The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office Filed a New Criminal Case Against the Suspended General Prosecutor, Alexandr Stoianoglo

Julieta Saviţchi

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office filed a new criminal case on illicit enrichment against the suspended general prosecutor, Alexandr Stoianoglo.  Alexandr Stoianoglo is suspected of having bought an apartment with an area of ​​135 square meters in 2015, next to the apartment where he lives, which he registered in the name of his eldest daughter.

The suspended attorney general never declared the property. In 2015, his daughter was a student and she was 19 years old, so she had no means of her own to buy her home, whose market price is over one million lei.

In the year when the apartment was purchased, Alexandr Stoianoglo was a member of Parliament, and the declared income was insufficient to purchase the building. Instead, Stoianoglo declared a non-commercial space with an area of ​​60 square meters in the block where he lives, bought in 2016 for 844,000 lei. In that room, the prosecutor's wife, Ţvetana Curdova, opened a beauty salon. Anticoruptie published an investigation in which it proved that Stoianoglo's wife camouflaged the business.

Julieta Saviţchi

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