Six Officers Within the NAC Are Being Investigated for Lack of Integrity

Ilie Gulca
Centrul Național Anticorupție. Foto: Portalul Anticorupț

Seven people from the management of the National Anticorruption Center (NAC) submitted their resignations after the appointment of Iulian Rusu as director, and investigations were started against six officers. 

“These departures followed some frank discussions about performance. Additional materials were sent to fellow prosecutors", said the director of the NAC, Iulian Rusu, during the presentation of the institution's activity report to the MPs. According to him, there is a permanent fluctuation within the center, some people leave for various reasons and not necessarily because of a lack of integrity.

The director of the National Anticorruption Center, Iulian Rusu, presented the NAC's activity report for the first semester of 2022 in Parliament on Thursday.

Iulian Rusu spoke to the deputies about the main corruption schemes with land, rigged purchases, the issuance of permissive documents, debunked by the NAC during the reference period, and about the increased social impact that their investigation had.

Passive corruption and influence peddling remain the most common corruption offenses investigated by the NAC.


Ilie Gulca

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