SCP President Angela Motuzoc Accused of Abuse of Office

Julieta Saviţchi
Angela Motuzoc

The National Anticorruption Center has sent to court a contravention case for exceeding the duties on behalf of the president of the Superior Council of Prosecutors, Angela Motuzoc. The case was started based on the complaints of former MP Inga Grigoriu, anti-corruption prosecutor Mihail Ivanov, and former prosecutors Dorin Compan, Viorel Morari and Roman Statnii.

Following the investigations, the NCA found the elements of the contravention provided by article 313 of the Contravention Code in the facts reported in all five complaints filed on behalf of Angela Motuzoc. The findings were merged into a single case which was sent to court.

Inga Grigoriu specified that this is a notification regarding the general prosecutor, Alexandr Stoianoglo, which Motuzoc left without examination. "As a deputy, I asked the CSP to investigate the information regarding the withdrawal of Veaceslav Platon's accusations and the transfer of the assets of some companies controlled by the businessman in the name of Stoianoglo's wife. I received an ambiguous answer from Angela Motuzoc, when she was going to discuss the notification at the CSP meeting ", stated Inga Grigoriu.

Julieta Saviţchi

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