Metalferos Case: Eight People Will Appear in the Dock

Irina Odobescu

Eight people will appear in the dock in the Metalferos case for the creation of an organized criminal group. They are also accused of fraud in a particularly large proportion, money laundering, and causing losses to the state in the amount of 736.5 million lei.

The case sent to court is disjointed from the criminal case generically called Metalferos.

The prosecution of four other criminal groups, including the leader of the criminal group, continues.

The General Prosecutor's Office informs that in 2018–2019 the leader of the organized criminal group in complicity with the then director of SA Metalferos, Alexei Timbrovsky, accepted the realization of the criminal plan elaborated by the leader of the criminal organization.

For the creation of the scheme, the contracts for the purchase of ferrous and non-ferrous metals were signed by SA Metalferos directly from the economic agents managed and managed directly or through the persons interposed by the leader of the organized criminal group.

Irina Odobescu

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