Machena and the Director of Cricova Prison Were Transferred to the National Anticorruption Center

Ilie Gulca
Foto: CIJM

Vladimir Moscalciuc, alias Machena, was transferred, from Cricova Penitentiary in the isolator of the National Anticorruption Center. The transfer was made on the basis of an order of the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases.

NCA’s spokeswoman Angela Starinschi confirmed for Anticoruptie that Machena and the interim director of Cricova Penitentiary, Victor Munteanu, were placed in the NCA isolator, but she could not communicate the accusations brought against the two.

The transfer of Machena and Munteanu to NCA was carried out after the raids in Cricova Penitentiary. The operation was carried out with the support of the Special Purpose Detachment "Pantera" of the National Administration of Penitentiaries, the National Inspectorate of Investigations and the Special Purpose Police Brigade "Fulger".

Ilie Gulca

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