Former MP Sergiu Sîrbu, Accused of Corrupting Another Member of the Parliament

Olga Stăvilă
Sergiu Sîrbu. Foto:

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office announced that it had filed an accusation against former MP Sergiu Sîrbu for active corruption and should send the case to court.

The former parliamentarian, currently vice-president of the Shor Party, is accused of trying to bribe another MP in 2015, proposing him to leave the parliamentary faction he belonged to and to vote on bills promoted by the Democratic Party. The value of the bribe, according to prosecutor's office sources, varies between 100,000 and 200,000 euros.

The case was launched in October 2019, based on the complaint of another MP. Sergiu Sîrbu rejected the accusations, but stated that he would cooperate with the investigation.

Olga Stăvilă

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